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Claire - The Stirling Birth School
3 days ago5 min read
Positive induction with Baby #2 - Emma and Calum
After a tricky birth with my first baby I was extremely apprehensive about falling pregnant with baby number 2 and experiencing a hard...
Claire Howarth
Aug 11, 20245 min read
Labour of Love: My Two Birth Stories
My love for hypnobirthing was born from a not so positive birth experience with my first pregnancy. My birth plan literally said “Go with...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 29, 202412 min read
'P' is for... Pregnancy and Policies
And the PROBLEM with these! All to often I hear women recounting birth stories and I catch sentences such as "I wasn't allowed to..." or...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Feb 16, 20249 min read
NHS Forth Valley Maternity Statistics for 2023.
The NHS Forth Valley Maternity Statistics have finally arrived. What many want to know is, what are the chances I will give birth...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Jan 3, 20244 min read
New Year, New Mindset
STOP COMPARING YOURSELF AND START CONGRATULATING YOURSELF Are you pregnant or a new mum? Then read this post - it is the best advice I...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Aug 13, 20234 min read
Come on Barbie, it's Patriarchy!
Are you a feminist? I'm not going to lie, I was never truly sure what that meant and so never felt confident enough to call myself one....
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Aug 2, 20239 min read
Ethan's Birth Story
As told by Second Time Parents Alisha and Gavin. Gavin and Alisha took the Complete Birth Preparation Group Course in November. When I...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Jul 19, 20234 min read
Baby classes in Forth Valley
Now you have had your baby, and begun to adjust to family life and maternity leave, you might be thinking about joining a class or two. I...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Apr 14, 202313 min read
FORTH VALLEY BIRTH STATISTICS FOR 2022 and 2023 HAVE ARRIVED. I recently wrote an email to NHS Forth Valley as part of a freedom of...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 26, 20236 min read
Positive Induction Birth Story
And here is the moment I did it myself! Of all the 1:1 clients I have supported, this was definitely the closest to a due date (or in...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 25, 20236 min read
Positive Birth Story
Louise and Richard completed the 1:1 Essential class in December and welcomed baby James in February. The Birth Story of James I was...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 25, 20233 min read
Do you need a 'Mum Squad'?
Making new friends as an adult. 😬 It’s a weird concept isn’t it. It’s so much harder to open ourselves up to make friends as an adult....
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 25, 20234 min read
How to write your birth plan
And some Key Sentences to include! There are lots of different opinions out there on whether to write a birth plan or not. Some people...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 20, 20235 min read
What do contractions feel like?
This is one of the top questions I get asked as an antenatal teacher. And it’s a really important question! Unfortunately, all we see of...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 20, 20232 min read
Positive Birth Story
Laura and Graham took a 1:1 private course in January. Read all about their fantastic water birth experience below: "When it came to the...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 17, 20233 min read
What are 'Alternative' Pain Relief Options?
Why is it that when we think 'alternative' we think hippies, harem pants, stone circles and dreadlocks! Not that there is anything wrong...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 17, 20234 min read
What's the difference?
How is your class different to the NHS or other birth preparation classes? Choosing to invest in your birth preparation is an important...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 11, 20235 min read
Getting baby into the best position for birth
Otherwise known as 'Optimal Fetal Positioning'. Why is it important that your baby is in the best position for birth? Simply - it is...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 9, 20235 min read
How to take control of your birth
One of the biggest worries that often crops up, is the feeling of not knowing what is going to happen during birth. That it is...
Claire - The Stirling Birth School
Mar 7, 20236 min read
10 Ways to Cope with Pregnancy Anxiety
"You must be so happy!" Well wishers often tell us how we MUST be feeling. We must be feeling lucky, grateful, privileged and happy to be...
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