Our Classes
Feel calm, confident and well prepared for the birth of your baby, however they make their entrance! Let go of your fears, embrace the excitement and let The Stirling Birth School equip you with the knowledge and skills to make any birth better.

What makes The Stirling Birth School classes so different?
Pregnancy can be overwhelming! Our bodies are changing in ways we can't control and we also have a hormonal emotional roller coaster to deal with. We can feel excited, anxious, exhausted and confused all at the same time. As well as this, so many well-meaning people also want to share with us their stories and experiences, which can add to our feelings and confusion. Classes with The Stirling Birth School will help prepare you for a positive confident birth where you truly feel informed and relaxed about the process of birth.
Which ever birth course you choose, the goal for each remains the same. On completion of your course it is hoped you will feel:
Able to look forward optimistically to a safe, calm, comfortable and stress free birth.
Able to work with your birthing partner more effectively, so that they are better able to support you in birth.
Able to release any fears that may be associated with childbirth.
Able to trust your body to work naturally and in harmony with your baby.
Able to stay calm, relaxed and in control throughout your labour.
And gain the positive belief that giving birth can be the most wonderful experience.

Positive C-Section Class
What teaching options are there?
1:1 (in your home or mine)
1:1 Online
What does the Positive C-Section Workshop include?
1 x 3 hour session of hypnobirthing.
2 Relaxation tracks to use at home.
Birth Planning support
Personal 1:1 email support right up to your babies birth.
A goody bag of surprise treats!
What will you learn?
This course syllabus has been compiled by The Little Birth Company. You will learn:
What is a caesarean birth. What happens before, during and after your birth and what to expect.
How to promote the production of your birthing hormones to support bonding and feeding after a caesarean.
How to create a positive mindset for birth.
Breathing techniques to help you relax quickly and deeply and birth your baby more gently.
How to define your preferences and write a bespoke birth plan, navigating the different options available to you.
How to release any fears associated with a caesarean birth so that you can have a safe, calm, gentle and comfortable birth.
Top tips to aid your recovery after a caesarean birth.
Who is this course suitable for?
This course is for couples planning an elective caesarean birth. It may feel like you no longer have any options for your birth if you are planning an elective caesarean, but this isn't the case. Having a caesarean birth can be a hugely positive experience, there are so many choices that you can make to ensure that you feel right at the centre of the experience. In this 3 hour class you will learn everything about how you can plan and prepare for a gentle and positive caesarean birth, so that it is the wonderful, empowering birth you hoped for.